garance doré

i have to admit that my style is pretty generic. as much as i love clothes and spend a lot of time thinking about how i should dress, the truth is that i usually play it pretty safe, clothing-wise. however, in my fantasy life (or maybe i should say in one of my fantasy lives, for i have many), i'd have the great skin and style of the people featured on une fille comme moi, which is a really lovely blog from french illustrator garance doré. she posts a mix of fashion illustration and street style photos, and i think if you like clothes, or you like pictures, or if you like clothes and pictures, you should check it out. it used to just be in french, but now the posts are also translated into english. which is helpful, seeing as i took french in school for about twelve years and yet can barely speak a word of it now.

i've included some of my favourite photos below. as i'm always impressed by/secretly, corrosively jealous of people who can pull off a look that is, in essence, pretty simple without also looking boring, i would happily knock over any of these people and steal their style and their no doubt delightful parisian lives. i like croissants.

all photos property of garance doré, from

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